津上俊哉 現代中国研究家・コンサルタント


NBR'S JAPAN FORUM (ECON) Free trade agreements
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<要旨> 第三者からのコメント第一号です。

From: William Overholt

Dr. Tsugami makes some excellent points, but there is one assertion that needs correction. It is just not true that ASEAN prefers a series of bilateral FTAs to a multilateral deal. What ASEAN prefers is a multilateral deal that includes both China and Japan. It wants Japan to drop its agricultural protectionism and join the China-ASEAN deal, although ASEAN politicians are too polite to phrase it in those terms; that way, there could be real free trade but the small ASEAN countries would not be overshadowed by a single giant, China. They also agree, along with China and Japan, on excluding the U.S. from such a deal so that Asia can build a counterweight to Washington and the IMF and hopefully avert a recurrence of policy pressures they faced in 1997-'98.

Best regards,

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(NBR'S JAPAN FORUM (ECON) 2003年6月25日)